Systemic Coaching digs deep, and sets you on your way to personal growth.
For Executives, Freelancer, and Entrepreneurs
You are wondering whether your current job is the right one for you or whether you would like to change direction.
You feel blocked and would like to improve your decision-making skills.
You would like to improve your conflict management skills - in dealing with employees, superiors or colleagues.
You are looking for more resilience to stress.
You want to become better in setting boundaries.
Focus, Resilience, and Goals in Life
Become clear about your priorities
Get a better understanding of what others expect from you, and your priorities in life
Spot and break unconcious patterns in behaviour, and thinking
Get focused, and start to act
Develop new, and productive habits
Become more resilient
A solution-oriented process with true depth
Psychotherapy often lacks focus, and goals. Business Coaching often lacks depths, and scratches only at the surface. Change often remains superficial. My approach combines the depth of therapy with the solution-orientation of business coaching. Together we build true change with a clear goal in mind.
The Coaching Process
Every problem is different. Ever human being an individual. No approach is right for everyone. Therefore, I develop bespoke processes in dialogue with my clients. In the end, you are the expert for yourself.
Getting to know each other
We will get to know each other in an initial meeting. You can tell me about your goals and your concerns. You will get an impression of me and my way of working. This will enable us to decide whether we can work well together. The decision to start the process is the first step.
Defining your goals
Sometimes our problems do not lie in ourselves, but in the social patterns, that determine our environment. At the beginning of a coaching process, we explore your own expectations, and the social patterns in which you live. We also clarify your goals and problems, prioritise them and draw up an initial roadmap. We also learn from your previous attempts to find solutions.
Firefighting or taking a glimpse at the looking ball?
Just clarifying the situation makes a big difference. The next steps in the process depend on your situation. Sometimes acute problems need to be tackled quickly. Sometimes it is the right decision to take time, and clarify priorities. This is where strategic, systemic, and hypnotherapeutic techniques make a difference.
Developing good habits
When does it work better? What already works? What have you always wanted to try? An important step is to find, and activate existing resources. If this is successful, positive feedback loops are created.
Half way there
Change can feel threatening. It is worth understanding, what was good about the previous situation. A problem often had a positive effect - if not for ourselves, then for the social situation, in which we find ourselves. If we can appreciate the person we were, we can become the person we want to be.
Breaking old patterns
Behaviour develops in contexts. There are triggers in the environment. Social dynamics take hold of us and allow us to lose control of our emotions. Pattern interruption techniques, and strategies enable us to end problematic patterns.
Beware of getting stuck
If we try to get rid of a problem completely, we usually waste our energy, and end up in making an already tiny problem more important, then it is at the given moment. The energy for this is usually better spent elsewhere. Once a problem has become small, it usually disappears by itself. So the important question is: How much is enough, and where to focus instead?
Using the upwind
Before the first step, many paths seem impossible. Once you have travelled the first distance, the goal becomes realistic. Research shows, that processes work well when we make use of an initial upward movement. Once we have taken the first steps, we develop a structured plan for the next steps.
Looking forward
Coaching is usually limited to a few months. However, we grow throughout our lives, and coaching only provides a momentary impetus. So what comes next? How will your personal growth continue? What are the next steps? How can I avoid unlearning what I have learnt? The next crisis is sure to come! How can you use it as an opportunity?