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Couples Therapy

Finding your way together is not always easy. Lifes change. People change. Situations change. Couples always face new challenges. Sometimes, it is time to seek support. 

Know your expectations

In a couple, there is always more than one person. Rarely, there is only one goal. The first step is therefore to clarify what expectations exist. What do I expect from my partner? What do I expect from myself? We wear many hats. - Sometimes we confuse them.  

Understanding contradictions

Often, these expectations are not only unconscious. They are conflicting. We want our partner to have a succesful career - but what, if we have to limit ourselves for that goal? It's clear that your daughter will lead differently than you do - but seeing that, raises doubts. Of course as a couple you want to make decisions together - but what, if one partner wants something that the other simply can't come to terms with?

Talking about aims

We get a new understanding of our problems. â€‹That solves a lot - but  not everything. If underlying problems become clearer, aims have to be talked about. Sometimes we can compromise. Sometimes decision have to be taken. Sometimes new, unconventional solutions can be found. 

Developing acceptance

Some tensions cannot be solved. They have to be lived with. It is important to accept, what cannot be changed, in order to find your way forward. A new understanding embraces acceptance, and creative ways of handling challenges. 

Looking forward

The end of a process is always a beginning. Developing roadmaps, planning with challenges, setting milestones, and scheduling regular check-ups. If you plan, with what you found, you will master the challenge. 


Get in touch!

Tell me about your situation, and your needs! Together we will find the right solution for you - be it regular meetings, workshops or something totally different. 

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